Building font menus... A circular reference error has occurred because of an alias that points to "%s". elements points *** Missing second colon in menu string *** update labelHV Help for %s reservedJP1 labelStyle labelSize labelSigDigits labelDigits labelBkg labels contour0 bkgMode Loaded from "%s" into %s - data folders: %d, waves: %d, numeric variables: %d, string variables: %d While loading data, %d item(s) in overwritten data folders could not be removed because they are in use. Some items in the current data folder have the same names as the items you are loading. Do you want to replace them with the items you are loading? An item named ‘%s’ already exists in the current data folder. Do you want to replace it with the one you are loading? Pick a folder of Igor binary data Enter levels separated by commas or returns OK Element Chunk Layer Column Row Kill %s? interpolate Kill All Selected Waves… Kill %s… accumulated moreLevels numLevels in manLevels={...,...,numLevels} numpnts(waveName) in manLevels=waveName numLevels in autoLevels={...,...,numLevels} xymarkers While loading %s: Expected %ld values in file, file contained %ld values. LH Reserved Str #8 LH Reserved Str #7 Created column position wave: %s Created row position wave: %s Matrix size: (%ld,%ld), wave: Wave Operator String Variable Function _table selection_ From target textWave IgorQuitHook IgorStartOrNewHook BeforeExperimentSaveHook BeforeFileOpenHook AfterFileOpenHook 1 MoveWindow 6,61,401,269;DelayUpdate ModifyGraph/Z mode=4,marker=8,opaque=1 50 (%d other loaded waves not graphed.) Preferences 1;Display %s vs %s as "%s vs %s"; Label left "%s"; Label bottom "%s";Preferences 0 Preferences 1;Display %s as "%s"; Label left "%s";Preferences 0 AppendToTable %s; ModifyTable/Z title[%d]="%s"; DelayUpdate Preferences 1;Edit %s;Preferences 0;ModifyTable/Z title[%d]="%s"; DelayUpdate Subscriber Publisher PPC FPU no FPU The operating system has a bug in FSMakeFSSpec(). Igor will work around it, but aliases and movies won't work well. An error occurred during print driver initialization. Quit Igor and then use the Chooser to select a printer driver. PrintDialog Cleanup, After PrintDialog, Before PrintDialog, After ScreenRefresh: Before ScreenRefresh: _user abort_ Insert Wave “%s” exists, save as: Function Execution Error a control’s action procedure Include file An attempt was made to recursively call the XOP “%s”. Original message = %d, new message = %d. Some and Killing #included file %c%s%c which is no longer needed User Procedures WaveMetrics Procedures Shortcuts The file “%s” has unexpectedly closed. Possibly a volume was turned off. Free memory: %ldK This version of Igor requires System 7.0.0 or later. This version of Igor Pro requires a 68000-family math coprocessor. Use the Igor Pro installer to install a different version for this machine. This version of Igor requires a 68020 or later processor. Use the Igor Pro installer to install a different version for this machine. Remove %s Extensions off. Adopt Window Print Help Selection... Print Help File... Page Setup for This Help File... Print Procedure Selection... Print Procedure File... Page Setup for This Procedure File... Print Notebook Selection... Print Notebook... Page Setup for This Notebook... Print Layout... Page Setup for This Layout... Print Table Selection... Print Table... Page Setup for All Tables... Print Graph... Page Setup for All Graphs... Print History Selection... Print History... Page Setup for History... Print Selection... Print... Page Setup... Stored in experiment file Close... Close Hide Set Prefs Auto-compile Opening help file: Set Y Full Scale Set X Scaling Set X and Y Scaling Icon Background Task Global String Variable Set Variable Control Help is not available because the “Using Igor” help file is not open. Make sure the “Using Igor” file is in the “Igor Help Files” folder and then restart Igor. Igor Shortcuts all pictures all annotations all help windows all procedure windows all notebooks all layouts all tables all graphs selected objects procedure window command window Default Command Window Window Stacking Area Window Tiling Area Tile or Stack Windows Redimension %s... Current location: "%s" Previous location: "%s" The folder referenced by the symbolic path %s has moved. TextBox XY Offset: Legend XY Offset: Tag XY Offset: Looking for "%s" Folder Can’t create path %s (error %d) -- continuing... Abort Experiment Recreation This external function has the same name as a builtin Igor function or another external function. This external operation has the same name as a builtin Igor operation or another external operation. The %s function is supplied by the %s XOP. No further help is available. The %s operation is supplied by the %s XOP. No further help is available. Value Display Control System Numeric Variable New Notebook New Procedure Window Can’t determine which wave you are clicking %s, %s %s, type=%s. %s vs %s, %s %s, x wave type=%s, y wave type=%s. Quit Compile Quit Macro Quit Scan Unsupported Igor PICT version (%1.2f) Close Help File Close Notebook Window Close Procedure Window Update File Relocate to File Execute Error from “Execute” *** Capture current default font as Pref *** 640 Hanning Unwrap Rotate Delete Points Insert Points Differentiate Integrate Procedure Notebook Window Revert %s... Adopt %s... Save %s Copy... Save %s As... Save %s Hide Tools Show Tools Hide Info Show Info Command/History Settings Command Buffer History Area unknown keyword:%s _skip column_ Can’t load %s (error %d) -- continuing... LoadWave is unable to find column names on line %d Loading Delimited Text Loading General Text Context from "%s" Data length: %ld, waves: Delimited text load from "%s" General text load from "%s" Igor text load from "%s" waves: Show Error Load Scanning extensions: System Looking for an 'snd ' file. Place Picture in Draw Layer Place Picture in Layout Looking for a PICT file. AVAILABLE (dashed line 0 cannot be changed) Revert Dashed Line %d Default Dashed Line %d Save experiment file Save experiment as: wave Modify %s... Rename %s... Browse %s... Point Draw reserved Draw reserved Draw reserved Draw reserved Align Ungroup Reorder Modify Delete Resize Move Redo Undo Preferences 1 Preferences 0 Create file Preferences are on Preferences are off Igor Preferences Read-only Read-only Procedure no panels no other procedures no notebooks FIFO Chart Recorder Control Capture Prefs... if;else;do;iterate;Macro;Proc;Function;Window;Menu Help file HR Reserved Str #5 HR Reserved Str #4 (automatically opened by #include) The “Getting Help” topic in the “Igor Help” file lists numerous handy ways of getting help. _none_ (help files do not have window names) “Save Procedure as” from the “File” menu. “Save Notebook as” from the “File” menu. To save it separate from the experiment, select This is the built-in procedure file. paragraph %d, position %d paragraph %d, position %d _none_ (procedure files do not have window names) (global) (built-in) _none_ (see note) (file not yet saved to disk) The file has been modified since the last save. *** IMPORTANT *** Igor will save it automatically with the experiment. If you copy the experiment to another disk, be sure to copy this file too. This file is stored separate from the experiment file. This file has never been saved. This file is in the experiment folder. This file is stored in packed form in the experiment file. plain text formatted text Notebook file Procedure file *** too long *** LH Reserved Str #6 B=HorizCrossing L=VertCrossing HorizCrossing VertCrossing *** No template is available because the required help file is not open. *** *** No help is available because the “Igor Reference” help file is not open. *** if-endif;if-else-endif;do-while;iterate-loop Flow Control no menus Compile Igor Extensions Igor Help Files Igor Notebooks Igor Procedures Looking for a notebook file. Looking for a procedure file. Looking for an Igor text file. Pick a Color Dependency Formula Change Value Change Function for Proposed Current Edit Control... Modify Annotation... Browse Waves... Restore Formula Delete Formula New Formula Change Formula value (%g secs) Text: %d ticks Dependency is OK Task Period: Value: Window: No Yes Running: Type: Update failed User Function Global Numeric Variable Duplicate Legend Duplicate TextBox Duplicate Tag Next Run Time: Modify Waves Appearance Save Delimited Text Save General Text Save Igor Text Save Igor Binary Append Columns to Table Append Objects Variable Modify Annotation Add Annotation (Selected ornament’s name “%s” was bad. Assigned name “%s”.) (Selected ornament’s name “%s” was not unique. Assigned name “%s”.) (Selected ornament’s name%s was missing. Assigned name “%s”.) exterior text0 broken no dependency Rename: Name: Already Duplicated Status: No object by that name _error_ ValDisplay Control "Yes;No" PopupMenu List Expression Done Do It PPCPacket Can’t Edit Procedures Save Procedure Now Replace Procedure Now Function %s(ctrlName,varNum,varStr,varName) : %s String ctrlName Variable varNum String varStr String varName End Function %s(ctrlName,popNum,popStr) : %s String ctrlName Variable popNum String popStr End Function %s(ctrlName,checked) : %s String ctrlName Variable checked End Function %s(ctrlName) : %s String ctrlName End Procedure Text New Procedure... Edit Procedure... setvar0 valdisp0 popup0 check0 button0 no functions no macros SetVariable Control PopupMenu Control CheckBox Control Button Control Correlate Convolve resource multiplier percent size parameter tab line type frame style frame type orientation end effects code smoothing factor polynomial order search level fraction box size auto-level Smoothing: Points: Wave W_XPoly W_YPoly Redo Delete Point Undo Delete Point Can’t Undo Delete Point Redo Insert Point Undo Insert Point Can’t Undo Insert Point Redo Drag Point Undo Drag Point Can’t Undo Drag Point Undo All axis labels All tick labels All grids All axes Both backgrounds Window background Graph background Clipboard %s saved %s saved via path %s _default_ String Path: In memory Annotation Wave Note Axis label Tick labels Grid Axis Formula Function *** OK *** %s loaded from "%s" Singular value. Parameter %d zeroed. *** out of memory *** Delete To Clip New To Cmd Line Change Make Waves Duplicate Wave reserved reserved reserved reserved Plan Aspect perUnit Couldn’t find a wave to drag at cursor position after 1 sec hold. Can’t Undo Scale Change Redo Scale Change Undo Scale Change Reducing size or choosing fewer colors from control panel may help. Not enough memory to draw graph. <•no param wave•> Save wave(s) as: Finder printing is not supported. Igor Batch Results Igor Batch File Igor Batch Init File Page Layouts Misc Operations Operators ()[]{} Operations Functions Errors Create a folder for files Pick a folder Continue Overwrite unused3 Remove All Columns _too many items, see 'Misc Settings'_ Select file the path is too long to print. There was an error because Replace Save Abort Procedure Execution